Is Are You There God It’s Me Margaret Based on A True Story?

By Spencer Locatelli

By Spencer Locatelli

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The movie Are You There God It’s Me Margaret was released in the front half of 2023. The film explores the life of an 11 year old named Margaret who is undergoing a number of changes in her life.

Pretty much every aspect of her life is uprooted when her family moves from New York City to a New Jersey Suburb after her father’s promotion. Throughout the movie viewers are dragged through the emotional turmoil that she experiences.

Some people are curious if this movie is based on a true story. The question “Is Are You There God It’s Me Margaret based on a true story?” has been asked by many.

Is The Movie Are You There God It's Me Margaret Based on a True Story?

Is The Movie Are You There God It’s Me Margaret Based on a True Story?

The movie Are You There God It’s Me Margaret is not directly based on a true story. It is actually based on the Judy Blume novel by the same name. While the movie is not based on a true story, many of the themes in the film are very real for many people around the world.

Many girls face a variety of different issues as they go through their pre-teen years and into their teenage years. Changing bodies, friendships, anxieties and family conflicts are all portrayed in the film and are all too relatable situations.

So the movie is not based on a true story… Was the book Are You There God It’s Me Margaret based on a true story?

Much like the movie, the book was not based on a true story but there are many themes and conflicts that are very real and relatable to readers and audience members alike.

Comment below what you thought about the movie Are You There God It’s Me Margaret.

Spencer Locatelli

Spencer Locatelli

Spencer Locatelli is an experienced entertainment journalist who has been covering television and film since 2015. His incisive reviews and commentary on the latest shows and movies have been featured in major publications including HuffPost, Time, BuzzFeed, The Guardian, and the Chicago Tribune.