The critically acclaimed series Julia brings to life the legendary career of celebrity chef Julia Child. Set in the 1960s, the show depicts Child’s journey from housewife to television sensation as she overcomes gender barriers to revolutionize the world of cooking. Focusing on a pivotal decade in American history, Julia offers a glimpse into Child’s passionate pursuit of her unlikely dream and her warm, charming relationship with husband Paul.
Julia Season 2 was released on HBO Max in November 2023 and fans are anxiously waiting to find out if a third season will be in the cards. Viewers are raising the question “will there be another season of Julia on HBO Max?”
As of now Julia has not officially been renewed for Season 3 but we should find out whether or not season 2 will happen soon. Here is what we know so far.
Will Julia be Renewed for Season 3? Will There Be Another Season?
So you are probably wondering if Julia will be renewed for another season. This popular biographic series has been extremely successful and has garnered a lot of attention. In order to answer the question of whether or not Julia Season 3 will be released on HBO Max, we should look at how renewals have been handled in the past.
According to IMDB, the second season of Julia was announced roughly three months after the release of the previous season. So being that Julia season 2 was released in November, we should expect to know whether or not Julia season 3 will happen by January 2024.
This will not be when the series is released but when we should have an idea of whether or not Julia will be renewed for a third season. HBO will certainly weigh whether or not the early response from season two warrants the production of a third season.
When Will Julia Season 3 Be Released On HBO Max?
Unfortunately Julia has not officially been renewed for a third season. Once we get an idea of whether or not Julia has been renewed for another season, our insiders will allow us to approximate when Julia Season 3 will be on HBO Max.
Past Julia HBO Max Release Dates
Here are the historic release dates for past seasons of Julia on HBO Max.
- Julia Season 2 Release Date: November 16th, 2023
- Julia Season 1 Release Date: March 21st, 2022
Do you want to see another season of Julia on Max?